What is Rest API Development? | Q90

Post by 
Adam Walker
December 6, 2022

REST API Development

How important is a first impression? As a business, it could be the difference between winning or losing a client, and the ability for users to access and interact with your data is a key component of this first impression. In a modern business, APIs are an important aspect of any software because they impact the way your data interacts with clients. 

An API, or an Application Programming Interface is a set of definitions and protocols to build and integrate application software. This allows two software components to communicate using a set of definitions and protocols. The code from the API will then request services from an operating system, server, or application. 

Some ways these are applied are when your browser automatically syncs the date and time when you travel to a new timezone, or when your data is automatically backed up to the cloud.

Many companies develop their own APIs with the purpose of controlling how third parties access and interact with their data. 

A REST API specifically uses HTTP requests to use and access data. This post will be a guide to help answer the following questions you may have about REST API development:

  • What is a REST API?
  • What is REST API Development?
  • Why do companies develop custom APIs?
  • Why is REST the most common type of API?
  • What are the three components of a RESTful API?
  • What are the benefits of REST APIs?
  • What programming language is best for REST API?
  • Common REST API Challenges
  • Where can you get help with REST API Development?

What is a REST API?

REST API (also referred to as RESTful API) stands for representational state transfer which is a code architectural style that is commonly used in development for web services, but API developers can use REST in several different ways.

REST technology is generally preferred over other APIs. REST uses less bandwidth, is simple to develop and maintain, and provides enough flexibility that it can suit nearly any web application. This makes it more efficient for the transfer of data in an internet setting. REST APIs also work in a variety of programming languages like Python or JavaScript. The flexibility and ability to work in different spaces has made REST the standard for API development.

In order for an API to be considered a RESTful API, it must have the following:

  • A client-server architecture consisting of clients, servers, and resources. All requests must be managed through HTTP.
  • Stateless client-server communication. This means that no client information is stored between requests and all requests are separate, unconnected requests.
  • Cacheable data. This will store copies of commonly accessed data in several places which will increase the response time for clients.
  • A uniform interface between components so information is transferred in a consistent form. This also requires that:
  • Any requested resources are able to be identified and are separate from the representations sent to the client.
  • Self-descriptive messages returned to the client server have enough data to describe how it should be processed.
  • All resources can be manipulated by the client by the representation they receive because it contains enough data to do so.
  • Hypertext is available. So, after accessing resources the client server should be able to use hyperlinks to find other available actions they can take.
  • A layered system that organizes each type of server and organizes the requested data into hierarchies. This is invisible to the client.
  • Provide the ability to distribute code from the server to the client when requested.

What is REST API Development?

RESTful API development is building out the functions that allow the client to communicate with the server using API. Building out the protocols that control these communications and how the data flows allow you to communicate with the server effectively.

Understanding how RESTful APIs work is key for successful development. The basic function is the same as browsing the internet, but here is how these functions actually interact:

  1. The client sends a request to the server.
  2. The server provides authentication for the client and confirms the client is able to make that request.
  3. The server receives and processes the request.
  4. The server returns a response.

Because these are generally basic requests, the use of HTTP verbs can improve the clarity of any instructions that you give in your code. The four main HTTP verbs are:

  1. GET - clients use GET to retrieve a resource at a specified URL on a server. that are located at the specified URL on the server.
  2. PUT - Clients use PUT to update or change existing resources on the server.
  3. DELETE - Clients use the DELETE request to remove the resource from the server. This request can change the server state, but will typically fail if the user isn’t authenticated. 
  4. POST - Clients use POST to create a resource and send data to the server. Sending the same POST request would create the same resource multiple times.

These are extremely basic functions, but are key in understanding the RESTful API development.

Why do companies develop custom APIs?

Custom API development allows companies to provide a personalized experience to their customers. They also give companies the opportunity to innovate, and scale, while reaching a wider client base. By creating an API that is specific for your business, you allow your data to work for you.

Building a custom API will allow your software system to interact with third-party applications, devices, and services, allowing you to reach a broader audience. These developments both simplify and speed up your standard business processes.

REST APIs have become the dominant force for the development of backend APIs and many companies use them in their active projects.

Why is REST the most common type of API?

When it comes to your data, and allowing third-party access to your software, you want to create a platform that maximizes flexibility. REST APIs provide just that. This flexibility comes from their simplicity, scalability, speed, and ability to handle all different sources of data.

Data from REST is not tied to resources or methods while providing one of the most straightforward ways to exchange data between systems. So, REST can handle multiple types of calls, return different formats of data, and make structural changes to hypermedia

The ability for REST to be so workable has led to a wide adoption of RESTful APIs as the most common type of API that companies are now using. Alternative APIs like SOAP are still used in certain industries, but are slowly being phased out by REST.

What are the components of a RESTful API?

The components of RESTful API structure of the API will receive and transmit data, and are built using the following:

  • Resource Path - the path to the object that will be acted upon. The ID must be provided in the path.
  • HTTP Verb - as mentioned above the four HTTP verbs are GET, PUT, POST, and Delete.
  • Body - PUT and POST requests both have a body, while GET does not. REST uses JSON as its language to format the request.
  • Header - The header is a collection of fields and their associated values. Basically the metadata of the message that is exchanged between the client and the server.

In addition to these components, RESTful API also requires data and parameters to function. The HTTP verbs allow the API request to interact with the data properly. By providing parameters, the server will have more details of what needs to be accomplished by the API. These can include path, query, or cookie parameters that allow third-parties to successfully interact with your data.

What are the benefits of REST APIs?

There are plenty of benefits of REST APIs, but the four most common are:

  1. Integration - APIs can be used to integrate new applications with your existing software systems. Because they easily integrate and don’t need to be written from scratch, you can increase development speed. You can also use APIs to leverage existing code.
  2. Innovation - Business is built around innovation, and something as simple as an app can turn an entire industry upside down on its head. Businesses need to be able to respond to these changes quickly and support development of their own innovative services to answer competitor innovation. You can do this by making changes with your API without having to change your entire code.
  3. Expansion - Because of their broad use, APIs are unique in their ability to match their clients needs across a broad spectrum of platforms. You can have a developed API that allows information to integrate with iOS, web, or android.
  4. Ease of maintenance - API is the path between two systems. Both systems will need to make internal changes so the other system and API are not impacted. So, any changes you make, won’t impact another system, and same with that system and yours.

What programming language is best for REST API?

REST API is extremely popular because RESTful API Development can be used across a broad spectrum of languages that all interact together. But, JSON and XML are considered the standard programming language for RESTful API Development. These interact with other web programming languages like JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, Python, or Java.

XML is usually a better choice when including metadata and document markup, and JSON is better used for other cases.

Common REST API Challenges

While it is the most common API used today, REST API does have its own set of challenges. Some of the issues that may arise from using RESTful API can include:

  • Security - there are several aspects to track due to the use of:
  • HTTPS.
  • Validating URLs.
  • Logging requests.
  • Blocking access from unknown IP addresses or domains.
  • Investigating failures.
  • Navigation paths and user input locations - because input parameters for REST use URL paths, determining URL spaces can provide a challenge.
  • Too much data and long response times - there can be too much data, and if you have too much, it can lead to longer load times and increased response times.
  • Requests and data - requests sometimes have more data than needed. If that’s the case, adjusting the API to only obtain the data you may need is a solution.
  • Endpoint consistency - Because of the number of endpoints you have, you need to make sure that they are managed consistently.
  • Authentication - Using common authentication practices are the best way to combat any potential issues with access.
  • Define error codes and messages - Use standard HTTP error codes because they are easily recognized by both developers and clients.
  • API testing - This can be a long process and takes several steps, making sure that you are working with someone that understands how to properly conduct API testing is the best way to avoid any potential issues.

Where Can You Get Help with REST API Development?

Our team at Q90 can help you every step of the way. Our team of experts specialize in API development and can help with your specific needs for RESTful API Development. We would love to be your partner as your grow your business and expand to work with new clients.

We understand how important it is for your clients to be able to seamlessly access your data, and so we will do our part to provide you with the best backend development with our REST API expert.

Are you ready to see if REST API is right for your business? Contact our team at Q90 today to get started.

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